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It is now 3:23 am, Thursday, February 13, 2025 in Pickens County, SC.
The weekly ARES and PCCG EmComm net and the informal net was held last Tuesday.
The next nets are scheduled for 8 pm Tuesday, 18 February 2025.
Our March Monthly Meeting will be on Tuesday, 4 March 2025 at 7 pm.
Currently there are several weekly scheduled Nets conducted by the Pickens County Emergency Communications Group (PCCG)
The Pickens County Emergency Communications ARES/RACES Net is held every Tuesday night at 8:00pm Eastern time on linked Repeater
frequencies of 443.450 MHz and 147.195 MHz in Pickens County, South Carolina.
All licensed Amateur Radio Operators are invited to attend regardless of ARES or Pickens County Emergency Communications affiliation.
Check-ins can be made via any of the linked repeaters or via Echolink or AllStar.
(See our repeater page for details.)
Any Station with Emergency or Priority traffic during the net, will be immediately recognized.
Note: The weekly RACES net is NOT held on the first Tuesday of the month, as most members are attending the regular monthly meeting at the Pickens County EOC.
1) The first part (generally lasting 10 to 15 minutes) is a formal net where stations are recognized and traffic (if any) can be listed and handled.
Traffic can be Emergency or Priority traffic, or it can be Notices of General Interest to the rest of the net members.
2) The second part of the net changes, depending on which week of the month the net was held on:
3) The third part is an informal net where each participating station is given at least one chance to speak to the rest of the members of the net.
The Pickens County Emergency Communications Group holds a Net every Monday night at 8:00pm Eastern time on linked Repeater
frequencies of 224.400 MHz, 443.450 MHz, and 147.195 MHz in Pickens County, South Carolina.
This net has a similar format to the Tuesday night ARES net, in that it is also broken into two parts.
Our Nets are directed nets, and all communications will be directed to Net Control.
If you need to communicate with another station, ask Net Control for permission "to contact xxxx".
Net Control, when appropriate for the Net's operation, will give you permission to contact your station.
When your communication is completed, call "Net Control" and say "Communication Completed."
Net Control will then resume control of the Net.
When checking into the Net, Please key your transmitter and wait for one second to allow the linked
transmitters to also power up, and then state slowly and clearly your
Callsign, Name, and Location,
and if you have traffic for the net or wish to participate in the informal net.
Callsigns should be given twice, the first is spoken normally, and the second should be spoken Phonetically
using the International Phonetic Alphabet. example: (Whiskey Bravo Fower Alfa Lima Mike)
(Please remember that Net Control is writing this down - so speak slowly and distinctly.)