page: home → /aboutPCCG.php
(last updated: Thu, January 11, 2024 04:28 gmt)

This page is currently under review...

As it turns out, some information on this page is a duplication of information from the main page,
and is also a duplication of information contained in a Wiki page that we use as a Public Bulletin Board.

Eventually we will figure out "what" information should be "where"...

...but in the meantime, this link will provide direct access to the "About PCCG" wikipage.
and this link is to the first page of our Bulletin Board.


The Pickens County Communications Group

The Pickens County Communications Group is a group of volunteers for the Pickens County Emergency Management Agency in Pickens, South Carolina.

Many of our members are registered with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) or with the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) in South Carolina. Other members are registered with the Military Auxilary Radio System (MARS) in either the Army MARS or the Air Force MARS programs.

In addition, we have members that participate in the Shared Resources High Frequency Radio Program (SHARES) that is administered by the Department of Homeland Security' (DHS) National Coordinating Center for Communications (NCC).

As a group we also have an association with the South Carolina State Guard and with various other Public Safety and Public Service organizations.

As a side note, ARES/RACES members can also be asked to participate in FEMA/NIMS Auxiliary Communications and SC AUXCOMM operations. (A more complete explanation of SC AUXCOMM can be found in section 1.2 of the SC-ARES 2023 Tactical Plan.)

The Pickens County Communications Group is NOT a radio club. Instead, we are a group of amateur radio enthusiasts with similar interests in emergency communication, repeater operation, digital communications, etc. As a group we are dedicated in providing emergency communications for public service, public safety, and last resource communications for local agencies in Pickens County.

We also provide Skywarn communications for Pickens County and the National Weather Service in Greer, S.C. The PCCG repeater network can be (and is) linked to the WARNS repeater network during severe weather. The WARNS repeater network provides coverage to Northeastern Georgia, Southwestern North Carolina, and the Upstate portion of South Carolina. (Northwestern South Carolina.)

We have a mobile communications trailer that is capable of the following communications equipment:
      160 thru 10 meters all mode     (can be used for MARS and SHARES support
                                                            with appropiate authorized operators)
      2 meter fm VHF Highband(144 Mhz),
      70cm fm UHF(440 Mhz).

Our communications center at the EOC is equipped to communicate with local units as well as Statewide Communications with the SCEMD.

Digital modes as follows: APRS, Packet, RTTY, FLdigi with a notebook computer with internet access.

Other group interests include: ARRL Field Day, Mini Field Day, VHF/UHF Contesting, Backpack/Portable Communications, and various Digital mode operations.



The Pickens County Communications Group Meets monthly in a Pickens County Emergency Management Agency (EOC) conference room located on the lower level (rear) of the Pickens County Administration Facility at 222 Mcdaniel Avenue, Pickens, S.C. on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Our March Monthly Meeting will be on Tuesday, 4 March 2025 at 7 pm.

We also have a communications net that is held every Tuesday night at 8:00pm, except on the first Tuesday of every month, using several of our linked repeaters:
      443.450 Mhz repeater (70 cm).
      147.195 Mhz repeater (2M).
All amateurs are invited to check in to the PCCG net.

       (Note: The PCCG net is NOT held on the 1st Tuesday of the month, since most
           of our active members will be attending our monthly meeting at the EOC.)

The Skywarn net is automatically activated in case of severe weather in Pickens County.


How do we protect information about you that is stored on our website?

Basically, we not share any information about you with anyone outside of the Pickens Country Emergency Communications Group itself, and the official Pickens County Emergency Management Office staff. There are, however, a few exceptions...

    1) Some Information may be shared with Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies while conducting routine background checks during the process of obtaining Official Credentials.

    2) During a Communications Emergency, or during the course of normal business, some PII information may be shared with other Emergency Communication Support organizations such as the South Carolina Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES), the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), or other similiar organizations. Click here to view Our Privacy Policy.

With regards to the usage and accuracy of any information presented on this website, Click here to view Legal Notice.



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Contact Pickens County Communications Group (PCCG) Administration

Copyright © 1974-2025 Pickens County Communications Group
page last modified: January 10, 2024 23:28. GMT