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Welcome to the Pickens County Emergency Communications Group (PCCG)

How to use this Wiki

  1. In the Wiki's, selectable text seen in a light shade of green are generally clickable links to additional information.
  2. Selectable text seen in a light shade of blue, are also links to additional information, but that information may be contained physically in a different or remote site.
  3. Selectable text seen in a shade of red, are topics being planned, but do not exist yet.


This is a preliminary document, and I am open to suggestions as to what should be posted to this and subsequent pages. Work is still in process to create the individual Team Wiki's and provide an automatic sign-in to them. (Content in an Individual Team wiki's will be restricted to “that” team's members only, and all content in a team wiki can be editable by any member of that team.)

Please post any suggestions or corrections for this page or any other webpage via email to where an automated system will accept and acknowledge your emails - and notify me that your message is awaiting action.

Thank you,
/s/ Bill Turner, wb4alm

General Table of Contents Bulletin Board

Information can be found in this Wiki (The one you are currently reading) on a variety of different topics.

The Bulletin Board is a public readable wiki, and currently can only be updated by selected individuals.

Initial topics will provide insight into the overall operation of the PCCG and a definition of some of our internal teams. Eventually, PCCG members will also have the ability to post items of interest to this board along with their current ability to access information and applications available on the main website.

Individual Team Wiki's

These Wiki's are probably access restricted to just the members of the individual teams.

Basic Wiki Documentation

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 15:50 by

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